Monday, December 10, 2012


Dear Students,
For your Final Exam, please remember:
Each student will present his or her Final Drawing, along with relevant sketches. Be prepared to speak about your work for several minutes, sharing with the class some background about the thought process that went into the drawing, including the initial idea and how it changed during the drawing process. What did you have to give up, what did you discover? Ultimately, what are you satisfied with, and what still troubles you? What did you learn? What do you want to draw next?
These are some ideas about what to talk about. Please do not stand silently next to your drawing. This work took you many hours to make, and I'd like you to attempt to put into words some of that effort. We will SEE the effort before us, as well, but we'd like to hear the background and understand what you experienced.
Additionally, please pin up your model drawing done in the last two days of class, as well as your favorite piece from the semester.
I SO enjoyed this semester with you. Thank you, thank you.