Friday, November 2, 2012

Homework: Self Portrait

Due Thursday November 8.
Self Portrait. Vine Charcoal. Can use compressed charcoal and charcoal pencil as well, but begin composition with vine, for ease of manipulation.
18 x 24 paper. Use entire page. Compose a Head-and-Shoulders (known as a bust portrait) self-portrait, by looking in a mirror. Consider your set-up: Lighting and Background.
Tone entire page with mid-value vine charcoal to begin. Draw with eraser and vine in an additive-and-subtractive manner. Consider and compose entire drawing space: the Rectangle. Try a 3/4 view, or full frontal view. Draw the space behind and around the head. No photographs may be used - draw from life. IMPORTANT: This is a 6-9 hour drawing. 

Excellent work on your profile portraits, my students! I am so pleased with your work and progress.

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